b'AUSTRALIAN ROAD SAFETY STANDARDSAUSTRALIAN ROAD SAFETY STANDARDS & YOUR GUIDE TO ROAD SIGNAGE ROAD SAFETYRoad safety signage is used to inform road users of road regulations, warn of potentially hazardous conditions, and advise of changes in the road or route conditions. Standards Australia regulates the requirements of all road safety signage. The following Australian standards should be reviewed and adhered to as they detail the requirements of uniform traffic control devices and the specifications for road safety signage.u AS 1742.1 - Manual of Uniform Traffic Control DevicesAustralian Standard AS 1742.1 details the classifications, numbering system and basic design of signs used for controlling vehicular and pedestrian traffic on the road.Standards Australia AS 1742.1 - Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices - SAI Global. http://infostore.saiglobal.com/storeu AS 1743 - Road Signs - SpecificationsAustralian Standard AS 1743 details the graphics, layout and size requirements together with an abridged materials and manufacturing specification for the manufacture of the standard road signs provided for in AS 1742.Standards Australia AS 1743 - Road Signs - Specifications - SAI Global. http://www.saiglobal.com/storeYOUR GUIDE TO ROAD SIGNAGERegulatory Signs Warning Signs Hazard Markers Guide SignsRegulatory signs inform roadWarning signs are used to warnHazard signs are used to highlightGuide signs inform and advise users of traffic laws or regulationstraffic of potentially hazardousto approaching traffic a markedroad users about the route they which, if disregarded, is anconditions on or adjacent to thechange in the direction of travelare following and give directions offence. They are normally placedroad. Warning signs advise ofand the presence and width of anand distances to destinations on at the point or beginning of theconditions which require cautionobstruction. the route or along other roads section where the regulationon the part of the driver and mayHazard signs are rectangularthat intersect the route. They also applies. call for a reduction in speed in theand generally consist of alternatesupply information to identify Included in this classification areinterest of the safety of the driverblack and white bands. The whitepoints of geographical or historical signs which indicate the end ofand other road users. portion is always reflectorised, butinterest and give directions to a legal restriction imposed by aIn general, warning signs arethe reflective material may covermotorists services and tourist preceding regulatory sign. diamond shaped (square withonly the central portion of eachfacilities and attractions. Most regulatory signs areone diagonal vertical) with awhite band to achieve a balanceGuide sign are generally rectangular with the long axisblack legend or symbol, or both,between the areas of black andrectangular. Where practicable, vertical and have black legendand a black border on a yellowwhite under headlight illumination.they should be designed with the with or without red annulus andreflectorised background. The bands may consist of eitherlong axis horizontal. Exceptions slash on the white background. diagonal strips where only a targetto this are route markers and is required or of chevrons wherekilometer plates that are normally Wherever practicable, use is madedirectional, as well as target,on a shield or a background of of symbols and arrows to: properties are desirable. distinctive shape.A)Assist in Identification;B)Clarify the Instruction; andC)Increase Legibility.Material courtesy of DeNeefe SignsREFER TO PAGES 253-264 FOR A FULL RANGE OF ROAD SIGNAGE.CLICK&COLLECT274 Call 132 100 or shop rsea.com.au FREE Pick-up from our Stores'