b'WORK HEALTH & SAFETY FIRST AID WORK HEALTH & SAFETY FIRST AID REGULATORY PYRAMID HEALTH & HYGIENEREGULATORY PYRAMIDThe LAW NOT the LAWIf a relevant requirement in the Act orFollowing an approved code of practice Regulations exists, you must followmay achieve compliance with the the requirements. Penalties mayhealth and safety duties in the WHS Act apply if workplaces are found notand Regulations; however compliance following the WHS ACT or Regulations. may be achieved by following another method if it provides an equivalent or WORKhigher standard of health and safety.HEALTH & SAFETY ACTThe WHS ACT provides a balanced and nationally consistent framework to secure the health and safety of workers and workplaces.The WHS Act is the outlining PRINCIPLE DOCUMENT that is supported by a framework of legislative instruments (WHS Regulations and approved Codes of Practice) that prescribe duties and provide guidance to employers and others on how to meet the requirements of the legislation.Document: Work Health and Safety Act 2011.WORK HEALTH & SAFETY REGULATIONSThe WHS Regulations impose mandatory requirements for duty holders to comply with when managing work health and safety. This document gives you the HOW TO to ensure workplaces are equipped with the rights First Aid, Emergency Plans.Document: Health and Safety Regulation 2011.FIRST AID IN THE WORKPLACE CODE OF PRACTICEThe Code of Practice provides PRACTICAL GUIDANCE for persons conducting a business or undertaking on how to comply with duties under the WHS Act and Regulations to provide adequate first aid facilities in the workplace. It includes information on first aid kits, procedures, facilities and training for first aiders.Document: Code of Practice, First Aid in the Workplace.Australian workplaces are required to have appropriate first aid equipment available and accessible for all employees.All workers must be able to access a First Aid Kit.First aid kits should be kept in a prominent, accessible location and able to be retrieved promptly.First aid kits should be located close to areas where there is a higher risk of injury or illness, If the workplace occupies severalFloors in a multi-storey building, at least one kit should be located on every second floor.Restocking & Maintaining KitsA person in the workplace should be nominated to maintain the first aid kit (usually a first aider) and should ensure:The kit is fully stocked, monitored and ensure any items used are replaced as soon as practicable after use.The first aid kit is checked after each use or at least once every 12 months.All items are in good working order, have not deteriorated or have expired as well as the sterile product are sealed and have not been tampered with.The content provided is a general recommendation by Brady Australia Pty Ltd and should not be used as a substitute for information provided by your local State or Territory Work Health & Safety regulatory authority. The content has been extracted from the Work Health and Safety Act 2011, the Health and Safety Regulation 2011 and the Code of Practice, First Aid in the Workplace, and key information presented in a simplified and summarised format. Summarised format, layout and diagrams cannot be replicated without authorisation from Brady Australia Pty Ltd.Material Courtesy of Trafalgar First Aid (Brady)CLICK&COLLECT292 Call 132 100 or shop rsea.com.au FREE Pick-up from our Stores'