b'AUSTRALIAN/NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIAN/NEW ZEALAND HEAD PROTECTION STANDARDS PPE - HEAD & FACE PROTECTIONHEAD PROTECTION STANDARDSHead protection is a vital part of an individuals personal protection equipment and is compulsory on most work sites in Australia. The appropriate head protection can prevent potential head injuries which occur from falling objects, strikes, bumps and electrical hazards. The below Australian standards should be referred to when selecting an appropriate level of head protection to ensure that the correct helmets and face shields are used on site.u AS/NZS 1800 - Occupational Protective Helmets - Selection, Care and Use.The purpose of standard AS/NZS 1800 is to define and advise the practices for the selection, use and maintenance of occupational protective helmets meeting the requirements of AS/NZS 1801 for head protection in building work, construction, general industry, underground working, mining, quarrying, forestry, bushfire fighting, high temperature workplaces and other occupations with similar hazards.Standards Australia AS/NZS 1800 Occupational protective helmets - Selection, care and use -SAI Globalu AS/NZS 1801 - Occupational Protective Helmets.The purpose of standard AS/NZS 1801 is to define the requirements for occupational protective helmets to protect the wearers head from falling objects in a variety of occupations, to decrease the severity of head injury from hazards related with such occupations. These requirements include the construction and materials of the helmet shell and head harness, mechanical strength of the shell and finish of the helmet.Standards Australia AS/NZS 1801 Occupational protective helmets -SAI GlobalWORKING LIFE OF SAFETY HELMETSOne of the most common questions asked is, what is the working life of a helmet? The answer to this question and indeed all information pertaining to selection, care and use is available in AS/NZS 1800:1998. This standard recommends that in general terms the helmet should be replaced every three years based upon industry testing, however to maintain the helmet the complete head harness insert must be replace every two years. Some customers elect to replace the entire helmet at this time or sooner dependent on its overall condition.Every helmet has an issue date sticker on the inside of the helmet for the wearer to record their name and date of issue.Helmet Owners Name.Date to be inserted when issued to new owner.Three years hence remove the helmet from use or earlier if the helmet has changed in colour, exhibits any signs of wear, or damage due to Indicates the month the Helmet impact or deterioration. (AS/NZS 1800:1998 3.4). was manufactured. 3 / March.If the sticker has not been used, replace the helmet three years from the manufacture date stamp under the brim or peak of the helmet. Indicates the Year the Helmet In the centre of the stamp is the year with a direction arrow pointing towas manufactured. 2020.the month of that year in which the helmet was made.Indicates the material the Helmet is manufactured from.Material Courtesy of 3M. The above information is not a definitive statement on the subject matter and is provided as a general outline. Professional advice should be sought before any action is taken in relation to the above subject matter outlined.BRANDED HARD HAT SOLUTIONSApply your company logo and/or message on your hard hat*.Branding can be applied on sides, front and back of the hard hat.Contact your local Business Development Manager, Store Staff or Customer Service for more information.*NOTE: A minimum order quantity may apply on hard hats for customised branding.CLICK&COLLECT182 CALL132 100OR SHOP24/7ATRSEA.COM.AU FREE Pick-up from our Stores'