b'AUSTRALIAN/NEW ZEALAND AUSTRALIAN/NEW ZEALAND RESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARDS PPE - RESPIRATORY PROTECTIONRESPIRATORY PROTECTION STANDARDSInhaling harmful substances can be potentially life threatening, as the toxins can enter the bloodstream along with oxygen. Taking the correct precautions is essential in protecting your respiratory system and preventing illness. The risk of harmful substances varies between different work and home applications. Selecting the appropriate respiratory protection is made easier by following the below Australian standards, which provide information on the selection, care and use of respiratory protection equipment.u AS/NZS 1716 - Respiratory Protective Devices.The purpose of standard AS/NZS 1716 is to provide minimum performance and testing criteria to be observed in the manufacture of respiratory protective devices, setting out the parameters and requirements for the different types of respirators.Standards Australia AS/NZS 1716 - Respiratory Protective Devices -SAI Globalu AS/NZS 1715 - Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Equipment.The purpose of Standard AS/NZS 1715 is to provide users with information on selection, use and maintenance of suitable respiratory protective equipment for their needs, protecting the body against various substances which could enter the body through the respiratory system.Standards Australia AS/NZS 1715 - Selection, Use and Maintenance of Respiratory Protective Equipment -SAI GlobalWHY RESPIRATORY PROTECTION IS SO IMPORTANT!The lungs are a very vulnerable organ, this is where oxygen in the air enters the blood stream. If you inhale harmful substances, these may also enter the blood stream and can be transported to vital organs, including the kidneys, liver, spleen, heart, reproductive glands and the brain.It is extremely important to take the correct precautions to protect your health and well-being from possible exposure to harmful substances in different workplace/home applications. HazardsDust Dust usually causes annoying irritation to the respiratory tract, which results in coughing, sneezing, sore throat. However, dust can also contain toxic chemicals, asbestos, silica, lead etc. Aerosols or liquid dust in the form of a spray or a mist contains wet airborne particles. These particles are generated in Aerosols spray painting, pesticide spraying, surface treatment and many other procedures. These aerosols may contain a wide variety of toxic substances which are damaging to the health.Smoke & Fume Smoke is the result of incomplete burning of flammable materials. Fumes are commonly formed when solid materials (especially metals) are heated. Welding and smelting are two areas where fumes commonly occur.Gases occur normally in gaseous form at room temperature. Vapours may be formed by evaporation of a liquid, or by the Gas & Vapour heating of various materials. Gases and vapours may be extremely toxic by themselves. They may also form hazardous compounds when heated or by coming into contact with other materials.This means that there is not enough oxygen in the air for a human to breathe. This causes unconsciousness, followed by tragic consequences if the lack of oxygen continues.Side Effects: Exposure to these substances can cause the following side effects:Lung damage (bronchitis, edema, pneumonia, etc).Oxygen Deficiency Damage to vital organs (kidneys, liver, brain, etc).Cardiovascular illness (heart conditions, blood disease, etc).Cancer.Permanent disabilities and chronic disease (asthma, silicosis, etc).Tragic consequences.Material Courtesy of SEA Group (Sundstrm)CLICK&COLLECTCALL132 100OR SHOP24/7ATRSEA.COM.AU FREE Pick-up from our Stores 203'